Annual School Census of Sri Lanka 2023

Annual School Census of Sri Lanka 2023

Annual School Census of Sri Lanka 2023


  1. School Overview:
  • Total Government Schools: 10,096
  • National Schools: 396
  • Provincial Schools: 9,700
  • School Types:
  • 1AB Schools: 988
  • 1C Schools: 1,975
  • Type 2 Schools: 3,273
  • Type 3 Schools: 3,860
  • Schools by Language Medium:
  • Sinhala Only: 6,247
  • Tamil Only: 3,011
  • Bilingual: 581
  • Trilingual: 35
  1. Student Population:
  • Total Students: 3,882,688
  • Male Students: 1,923,591
  • Female Students: 1,959,097
  • Students by Language Medium:
  • Sinhala Medium: 2,827,538
  • Tamil Medium: 934,579
  • Bilingual and English Medium: 120,571
  • Grade 1 Admissions in 2023: 287,639
  1. Teaching Staff:
  • Total Teaching Staff: 237,787
  • Male Teachers: 49,521
  • Female Teachers: 175,695
  • Principals: 12,571


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